We each come into this world with a soul purpose or what I like to call a “soul song”. How do I know that? I have seen it. For over 30 years I have been honored as a practicing pediatrician to see many children born into this world and I have gazed into their eyes as they take in their first view of life. What I have seen is clarity, trust, and knowing, the certainty of why they are here. We all know our soul song when we arrive, it is reflected in our eyes.
Time and life flow forward and slowly our song is washed away and replaced by other messages that begin to make us doubt our original knowing. Soon the light that was present at birth slowly fades as we begin to take on the thoughts and impressions of others until eventually we no longer hear our song.
We start to assume roles others assign or we somehow feel we must take on to succeed or even survive. This goes on for years and after these roles have long out-served us we continue because they are comfortable in their familiarity. We spend our entire life doing and being for everyone else and loose our authentic self; our soul song.
The journey back to my authentic self is one that I have been working on for years and have learned some valuable lessons along the way. Relearning to use my intuition, reconnecting with my spirituality, and reigniting my creativity has led to my healing. That healing has allowed me to access my authenticity, my soul song. It is the authentic expression of our souls that leads us to experience true joy.
If you are ready to hear your intuitive voice again and reconnect to the song that is still in your soul I would be honored to explore this with you. My passion is to create a space for healing conversation. It is never too late to listen to your soul song and follow it’s message. It is after all why you came.
“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen” Rumi